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My mind can travel to an area and see the terrain, the type of buildings, the colors, the streets, and even the smells. I can hear the noise from a busy highway, and if it is dark I can see headlights coming. I have proven this many, many, times. It can be really creepy to some people how I do this. It is absolutely valuable in an investigation no matter who I am looking for or what. It is important  to have the full trust of the people I am working for. I will sometimes need additional information to get more details and information. As I explained earlier, psychic vision is not a science. Although, I am very close to making it that way, and I feel in the future my skills could be used for National Security and in many realms of law enforcement. In regards to finding pets, I use this skill. I can not communicate with your pet to tell it to come back home, but I use my skills to target the areas where it is going. This is far more effective because that pet could be injured or scared and tapping into those emotions may not lead me to them. I will only give you what I see, and I make no claims that I can find everyone and everything. I am very honest about this. I feel that is why I have been given more credibility than most. I tell it like it is.


A Word from Todd on Understanding His Psychic Readings:

A lot of people get confused with the reading process and how I go about it. It is really simple actually, and I will give you some tips. I do all kinds of readings for people, for all kinds of people, and from different parts of the country and the world. I have been doing this a long time, since 2001 officially.

Everyone has had some sort of experience with a psychic or a medium. If you are new, then welcome! Not all psychics work the same, and there are a lot of false facts floating around on how they get their information, and what the psychic should know about you before the reading.

It is not fishing for information as some skeptics lead people to believe. For example, if I ask you what the weather is like in your area, how can I know there is a mountain behind your house with that information?  Some psychics need to touch your hand, or they need a piece of clothing you wear. We use anything we feel is necessary to clarify what we are seeing.

First, I am a psychic, not a mind reader. There is a big difference. I don’t know everything otherwise I would be playing the lottery everyday and retire early. Actually, I love this work, and that last statement wasn’t totally accurate. My goal is to help people, and I do it every day.  The way it works is sometimes I do not want to know any information, because it can stop the stream of visions that I get. On the other hand, sometimes I will ask for more information. Everyone is different, and for some reason I can read some people more clearly than others. Information is also like turning on a light switch to me. It sends a current of electricity to me which brings a visualization.

Then we have to interpret the information into something you can understand a lot of times. It is not an easy job as some people think it is. I will also tell you your future. It is my belief that a psychic taps into a black hole of time and space, where there are no barriers. The past, present, and future, intermingle. When we die, I believe we are in that realm of no barriers of time. If a prediction I made for you never comes true, am I wrong? The way that I see it, no. Perhaps the timing is off, or maybe there is something else going on in your subconscious that you are preventing me from seeing.

Other things that prevent me from seeing are if the person I am reading is bitter or angry, or may be trying to be sarcastic or mock me. I am very sensitive. If you are nervous, take some deep breaths, relax, and talk to me like a friend. It is also the subtleness and small details of my readings that are the most important. Most people don’t even realize that. They are expecting this mind blowing revelation to come out of the reading, and that is just not how this works. Release all of your expectations, wants, and desires. The more open you are, the more information I receive.

I consider myself a physical medium. It is not like picking up a telephone and relaying messages that the dead have to tell you. It doesn’t work that way.  Sometimes I will get very specific messages but a physical medium becomes that person, the way they acted, the way they felt, and even sometimes the way they spoke. We get bits of information and we have to interpret what we get. The client is like a wifi signal to me. If the signal is weak, I don’t get too much information. The people you want to come through don’t always come through and I often pick up spirits where you live. Of course there are many mediums out there that guarantee that they can give you messages from your loved ones but the truth is we don’t get it that way. They don’t always have messages and sometimes they just don’t want any attachment to life in the our physical realm. After doing this for a very long time the clients that come to me who expect me to connect with a loved one that passed are often disappointed because they didn’t get the answers they wanted. Expectation is the issue, and the ones who come to me with none often have the best results. We might be talking about a new business venture for the client and all of the sudden grandma comes through loud and clear from the other side. Being a physical medium also really helps when I am doing investigations because I am seeing details that help solve a case from the other side, and the truth is there is no other side. The unseen are all around us and there is no separate spirit world.


Missing People, Pets or Objects:

I consider myself a remote viewer. This was once a term used for a program in our US government for psychic research. Psychics were employed to find certain places, people of interest, and classified material. It was an exercise in training the psychic mind to find specific details, to go beyond the boundaries of the seer.I found that I could do this very easily and trained myself. Because I was employed very early on to work on investigations, I concentrated on finding relevant, detailed information to help law enforcement. I often do sketches as well.

Todd does consultations by phone, email, Skype, in person, groups, private functions, and house walk ins. Please inquire for pricing on in person readings. He does not do them at his home but at either your residence or private function. Payment is required before your reading. For an emergency such as a missing person, or animal, please call his phone line directly. Todd makes no refunds. He is happy to reschedule appointments if the time doesn’t work out with minimum 3-hour notice. Please read his policy for readings here.

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